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23/3/2012 - EN779:2012 Ratified 23-12-2012

With immediate ratification of EN 779:2012 (Filters)

Below is a press release from Eurovent Certification: - Full Details can be found here

We received through our CEN network the confirmation that CEN Technical Board (CEN-BT) voted for immediate ratification of EN779 2012. We understood that all participating countries were well prepared and it seems that UNI also admit the resolution as an acceptable compromise. So with this positive vote the UNI appeal against the ratification of EN 779 is considered as settled.

Next step for CEN is to proceed with the publication of EN 779. It should occur within the next 4 weeks and European countries will have 6 month to integrate the new standard.

In other words at the end of this year we have our new (updated) standard the industry is looking for.

We understood as well that CEN/TC 195 is asked to initiate an immediate review of EN 779 in order to consider the comments from the UNI appeal and to inform CEN-CENELEC Management Centre (CCMC) of the timeframe for such a review.

What does this mean for the Air Filter industry in the UK ?

What it means is that many of the air filters currently classified F7, F8 and F9 will no longer be compliant with the current European Air Filter Standard EN779. We have a few months to help customers make the transition to compliant filters. Contact our sales office at Jasun Envirocare for details on how we can help.

10/3/2012 Indoor Air Quality EN13779

EN13779:2007 is the nearest thing to an IAQ standard, with built-in recommendations for outdoor air and indoor air which can include particulate and molecular filtration. As a new standard for ventilation and room conditioning systems in non-residential buildings, EN13779:2007 is now a legally accepted standard in all member states of the European Union. For More Details Click Here

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